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  • Writer's pictureJessica Cyr

A plan for 10-15 years into the future.

South Berwick has submitted the draft Comprehensive Plan to the DACF for certification. Guided by Maine's Growth Management Act this is an update to our 2008 plan. If you haven't reviewed the summary, please see a presentation at:

The Comprehensive Plan: Two Parts

The updated comprehensive plan consists of two main sections:

  1. Inventory: This section uses data and local knowledge to describe the current conditions.

  2. Implementation: This section outlines all the recommendations for achieving the town’s goals. It includes:

  • Goals, Policies, and Strategies: These describes actionable steps to work towards the desired future.

  • Future Land Use Plan: This proposes considerations for future zoning districts and uses.

Downtown: Chapter 5 Highlights

An aspect of the comprehensive plan is its connection to the Downtown Revitalization Plan. Supporting a vibrant and diverse downtown area is a goal. From chapter 5: It is the policy of the town to support a thriving downtown business community, including diverse commercial activity and adequate infrastructure. It is the policy of the town to support commercial development and growth in suitable areas, such as Route 236, Punkintown, and lower Main Street.

  • Complete a Downtown Revitalization Plan that engages property owners and creates specific recommendations for infrastructure and façade improvements.

  • Create a downtown business network to engage business owners as needed on new town policies, programs & connect to funding.

  • Pursue funding for downtown beautification & accessibility, landscaping and façade improvements, or public art.

Zoning and Land Use: Chapter 11 Highlights

Chapter 11 of the comprehensive plan addresses current and future land use, with two key findings:

  1. Development has happened in some ways as expected based on the zoning ordinance; however, more development has taken place in rural areas than expected, compared to residential growth areas and developing zones.

  2. Most of the vacant developable land remaining in South Berwick is in the rural zoning districts. This means that development has successfully been concentrated in the village areas, but considerations should be made for future planning of the rural zones.

Implementation: A Collaborative Effort

The plan emphasizes a collaborative approach to implementation, ensuring that progress is continually tracked and priorities are regularly reviewed:

  1. Leadership and Oversight: The Town Council will be the lead responsible party but will appoint an Implementation Committee to meet quarterly and track progress.

  2. Annual Prioritization: Each year, during budget season, the Town Council and Implementation Committee will identify 3-5 priority actions for the year.

  3. Annual Reporting: The Implementation Committee will compile an annual report of progress, which will be included in the South Berwick Annual Report.

A Community-Driven Future

As a member of the Town Council, I have spoken at several meetings about the importance of effective implementation. I am pleased with the Council's commitment to this plan and confident that it will guide South Berwick towards a meaningful future. This comprehensive plan not only inventories the immediate needs of our town but also lays a strong foundation for the sustainable growth and development of South Berwick for years to come.

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